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How High-Achieving Women Overcome Depression

How High-Achieving Women Overcome Depression

December 20, 20234 min read

Women have been breaking barriers and making strides in various fields for decades. However, there are still significant challenges that women face in their personal and professional lives. But first, let’s dive deep into what makes a high-achieving woman.

Who is a high-achieving woman?

First and foremost, a high-achieving woman has a strong mindset. She is focused, motivated and determined to achieve her goals. She is someone willing to take risks, learn from her failures, and continuously work towards her goals. This requires self-belief, resilience, and a positive attitude.

A high-achieving woman also has her own support system – or she creates one! Her support system can be her family, friends, or mentors (or all of the above) – people who believe in her and provide encouragement and guidance. She understands that a strong support system can help her navigate through challenging times, provide a sounding board for ideas, and offer valuable advice.

For a high-achieving woman, education and personal development are key to success. A woman who continuously educates herself and develops new skills is better equipped to excel in her career and personal life. So, this means she could be pursuing higher education, attending workshops or seminars, or simply reading books and staying informed about current events.

It takes confidence and the willingness to speak up and advocate for yourself if you want to be a high-achieving woman. It is no secret that women often face gender-based discrimination. It can be challenging to speak up and assert ourselves in those situations. However, it is crucial for us to know our worth and demand respect and equal treatment in all aspects of life.

Unfortunately, despite our success and achievements, we often find ourselves facing a unique set of challenges, other than gender-based discrimination, that can cause us to feel anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed. Many of us are often juggling multiple responsibilities, including our careers, personal lives, and family obligations, all while trying to maintain a sense of balance and control.

Why do we feel such pressure and overwhelm?

1. We expect too much of ourselves. We put a high standard on ourselves because we feel like we are not doing enough or our work is not good enough. We think that in order to succeed, we must meet certain standards – mostly standards set by the industry, society, and people we think have our best interests at heart. In order to meet those standards, we strive to achieve more. This constant pressure to excel can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress.

2. We lack support from those closest to us. This can contribute to anxiety, stress, and depression, realizing that no one will have our back when we are pushed against the wall. We may hear more negative comments from family members and friends than words of encouragement and support. Some of us also often take on the majority of caregiving responsibilities for our families because we are women and we feel like it is our duty to do so, or simply because we are the only people available to do the job. This can leave us with little time or energy to focus on our own needs.

3. We lack support from our industry. Women are still underrepresented in many fields. We may face discrimination or bias in the workplace. This can lead to feelings of isolation and pressure to prove ourselves.

So, how can we stay strong through all of this and overcome depression?

Here are a few tips on how high-achieving women overcome depression

Tip 1: Seek professional help.

As cliche as that sounds, as high-achieving women, we often have a lot on our plates. We often prioritize our work and other responsibilities over our mental health. Seeking therapy or medication can be a game-changer. A therapist who understands the unique pressures and challenges high-achieving women face is a great investment!

Tip 2: Manage stress in a healthy way.

Easier said than done? I don’t think so!

You did not become a high-achiever and a successful woman by going easy on yourself, right? So, what’s a little discipline in your health routine compared to what you have to endure to get to where you are now in your success? Exercise, meditation, and other self-care practices can be helpful in managing stress and reducing symptoms of depression. Revamp your routine and include healthy lifestyle plans and stick to the plan!

Tip 3: Join a support group.

You may also opt for online communities of professional, successful women who have experienced and overcame depression. Be around supportive, positive, and encouraging people.

Overcoming depression for high-achieving women is possible, but it requires effort and support. If you have succeeded in other areas of your life, then I believe that you can also succeed in your fight against depression.

high-achieving womenovercome depressionmental and emotional health
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Jeanne Prinzivalli

Jeanne Prinzivalli is a licensed psychotherapist working with adult individuals. She supports people on their journey to self-awareness, self-care and overall wellbeing.

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Jeanne Prinzivalli
Therapist + Coach

I help ambitious, anxious women learn how to trust and put themselves first, so they can stop burning themselves out trying to meet other people's expectations.

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